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ACSR Conductor BS 215 Part 2 Standard

acsr conductor aluminum conductor steel reinforced bs 215 part 2 standard

Shape of conductor: circular and sectional

Conductor Material: Aluminum and Steel

Insulation: N/A

Standard: BS 215 Part 2

Email: manager@hdcable.com.cn

ACSR, Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced


ACSR – The full name: Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced. Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced is used as bare overhead transmission cable and as primary and secondary distribution cable. ACSR conductor used as bare overhead transmission conductor and as primary and secondary distribution conductor and messenger support. 
ACSR conductors are recognized for their record of economy, dependability and favorable strength/weight ratio. ACSR conductors combine the light weight and good conductivity of aluminum with the high tensile strength and ruggedness of steel.
In line design, this can provide higher tensions, less sag and longer span lengths than obtainable with most other types of overhead conductors.
The steel strands are added as mechanical reinforcement. The cross-sections above illustrate some common stranding


ACSR is a composite concentric-lay-stranded conductor.
The steel strand or strands form the central core of the conductor, around which is stranded one
or more layers of aluminum 1350-H19 wires.
The steel core may consist of a single strand or a concentric-stranded cable of 7, 19, 37 or more
wires. The sizes and stranding listed on the following pages are those most frequently used for overhead lines.

Code Name Area Stranding Approx.
Weight Nominal
at 20℃
Alum. Steel Total Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Total
  mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm mm mm kg/km kg/km kg/km kN ohm/km
Mole 10 10.62 1.77 12.39 6/1.50 1/1.50 4.5 29 14 43 4.14 2.076
Squirrel 20 20.94 3.49 24.43 6/2.11 1/2.11 6.33 58 27 85 7.88 1.368
Gopher 25 26.25 4.37 30.62 6/2.36 1/2.36 7.08 72 34 106 9.61 1.093
Weasel 30 31.61 5.27 36.88 6/2.59 1/2.59 7.77 87 41 128 11.45 0.9077
Fox 35 36.66 6.11 42.77 6/2.79 1/2.79 8.37 101 48 149 13.2 0.7822
Ferret 40 42.41 7.07 49.48 6/3.00 1/3.00 9 117 55 172 15.2 0.6766
Rabbit 50 52.88 8.82 61.7 6/3.35 1/3.35 10.05 145 69 214 18.35 0.5426
Mink 60 63.18 10.53 73.71 6/3.66 1/3.66 10.98 173 82 255 21.8 0.4545
Skunk 60 63.27 36.93 100.3 12/2.59 7/2.59 12.95 175 290 465 53 0.4567
Beaver 70 74.82 12.47 87.29 6/3.99 1/3.99 11.97 205 97 302 25.7 0.3825
Horse 70 73.37 42.8 116.17 12/2.79 7/2.79 13.95 203 335 538 61.2 0.3936
Racoon 75 79.2 13.2 92.4 6/4.10 1/4.10 12.3 217 103 320 27.2 0.3622
Otter 80 83.88 13.98 97.86 6/4.22 1/4.22 12.66 230 109 339 28.8 0.3419
Cat 90 95.4 15.9 111.3 6/4.50 1/4.50 13.5 262 124 386 32.7 0.3007
Hare 100 105 17.5 122.5 6/4.72 1/4.72 14.16 288 137 425 36 0.2733
Dog 100 105 13.5 118.5 6/4.72 7/1.57 14.15 288 106 394 32.7 0.2733
Hyena 100 105.8 20.44 126.2 7/4.39 7/1.93 14.57 290 160 450 40.9 0.2712
Leopard 125 131.3 16.8 148.1 6/5.28 7/1.75 15.81 360 132 492 40.7 0.2184
Coyote 125 132.1 20.1 152.2 26/2.54 7/1.91 15.89 365 157 522 46.4 0.2187
Cougar 125 130.3 7.25 137.5 18/3.05 1/3.05 15.25 362 57 419 29.8 0.2189
Tiger 125 131.1 30.6 161.7 30/2.36 7/2.36 16.52 362 240 602 58 0.2202
Wolf 150 158 36.9 194.9 30/2.59 7/2.59 18.13 437 289 726 69.2 0.1828
Dingo 150 158.7 8.8 167.5 18/3.35 1/3.35 16.75 437 69 506 35.7 0.1815
Lynx 175 183.4 42.8 226.2 30/2.79 7/2.79 19.53 507 335 842 79.8 0.1576
Caracal 175 184.2 10.3 194.5 18/3.61 1/3.61 18.05 507 80 587 41.1 0.1563
Panther 200 212 49.5 261.5 30/3.00 7/3.00 21 586 388 974 92.25 0.1363
Lion 225 238.5 55.6 294.2 30/3.18 7/3.18 22.26 659 436 1095 109.6 0.1212
Bear 250 264 61.6 325.6 30/3.35 7/3.35 23.45 730 483 1213 111.1 0.1093
Goat 300 324.3 75.7 400 30/3.71 7/3.71 25.97 896 593 1489 135.7 0.0891
Sheep 350 374.1 87.3 461.4 30/3.99 7/3.99 27.93 1034 684 1718 155.9 0.07704
Antelope 350 373.1 48.4 421.5 54/2.97 7/2.97 26.73 1032 379 1411 118.2 0.07727
Bison 350 381.8 49.5 431.3 54/3.00 7/3.00 27 1056 388 1444 120.9 0.07573
Jaguar 200 210.6 11.7 222.3 18/3.86 1/3.86 19.3 580 91 671 46.55 0.1367
Deer 400 429.3 100.2 529.5 30/4.27 7/4.27 29.89 1186 785 1971 178.5 0.06726
Zebra 400 428.9 55.6 484.5 54/3.18 7/3.18 28.62 1186 435 1621 131.9 0.0674
Elk 450 477 111.3 588.3 30/4.50 7/4.50 31.5 1318 872 2190 198.2 0.06056
Camel 450 475.2 61.6 536.8 54/3.35 7/3.35 30.15 1314 483 1797 145.7 0.06073
Moose 500 528.7 68.5 597.2 54/3.53 7/3.53 31.77 1462 537 1999 161.1 0.0547
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